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2. Items of Community Interest:
3. Conduct a public hearing and consider adopting Ordinance 2023-06-00982 approving a request for a change in zoning from AO (Agricultural and Open Space) to R-2 (Residential 2-acre) on a tract of land being 23.691 acres of land located in the Peter F. Lucas survey, abstract number 537, Town of Lucas, Collin County, Texas, being all of the Jason Blakely and Jessica Blakely called 23.691 acre tract 23 +/- parcel of land, more commonly known as 355 Winningkoff Road.
5. Consent Agenda:
6. Consider corrections to the request by Majed Khalaf on behalf of Mahmoud Properties for a site plan, landscape plan, and elevations for use as a commercial retail and office center on a 2.25-acre tract of land in the Jas Lovelady Survey, Abstract Number ABS A0538, Tract 14 situated in the City of Lucas, Collin County, Texas, located at 995 West Lucas Road. (Development Services Director Joe Hilbourn)
7. Consider approving Ordinance 2023-06-00983 amending the City of Lucas Code of Ordinances, Chapter 3 titled “Building Regulations”, Article 3.08 titled “Residential Code” by adding Section 3.08.004 titled “Construction Site Drainage”. (Development Services Director Joe Hilbourn)
8. Provide an update and discuss the status of the drainage policy for effectively managing the stormwater system and provide direction to the City Manager. (Public Works Director Scott Holden, Contract Engineer Joe Grajewski)
9. Consider authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Texas Materials Group, Inc., TexasBit, for the rehabilitation of Snider Lane in an amount not to exceed $459,516 and rehabilitation of Long Road and Bloom Street in an amount not to exceed $25,444, for a total of $484,960 from Account 11-8209-301 Improvement Roads (Street Maintenance). (Public Works Director Scott Holden, CIP Manager Patrick Hubbard)
10. Consider approving Resolution R 2023-06-00541 authorizing an application for new playground equipment at Forest Creek Park to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Local Park Grant Program. (Assistant City Manager Kent Souriyasak, CIP Manager Patrick Hubbard)
11. Consider approving Resolution R 2023-06-00542 authorizing an application for a proposed northern trail project to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Recreational Trails Grant Program. (Assistant City Manager Kent Souriyasak, CIP Manager Patrick Hubbard)
12. Consider the appointment of Mayor Pro Tem to serve for a one-year period beginning June 1, 2023 and ending May 31, 2024. (City Secretary Erin Flores)
13. Discuss updating the City of Lucas Code of Ordinances, Chapter 14 titled “Zoning” and provide guidance to the Planning and Zoning Commission. (Mayor Jim Olk)
14. Update on the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) Board of Directors meeting held on May 25, 2023, as it relates to Premium charged to Customer Cities. (City Councilmember Debbie Fisher, City Manager Joni Clarke)
15. Consider the 88th Legislative Session and discuss any proposed bill or significant resolution that may have an impact on the City of Lucas and provide guidance to the City Attorney and City Manager. (City Council, City Manager Joni Clarke, City Attorney Joe Gorfida)
16. Discuss FM 1378 Draft Design Schematic dated April 2023 and consider modifications to the City of Lucas Thoroughfare Plan. (City Council)
Jun 01, 2023 City Council
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Full agenda
Call to Order
2. Items of Community Interest:
3. Conduct a public hearing and consider adopting Ordinance 2023-06-00982 approving a request for a change in zoning from AO (Agricultural and Open Space) to R-2 (Residential 2-acre) on a tract of land being 23.691 acres of land located in the Peter F. Lucas survey, abstract number 537, Town of Lucas, Collin County, Texas, being all of the Jason Blakely and Jessica Blakely called 23.691 acre tract 23 +/- parcel of land, more commonly known as 355 Winningkoff Road.
5. Consent Agenda:
6. Consider corrections to the request by Majed Khalaf on behalf of Mahmoud Properties for a site plan, landscape plan, and elevations for use as a commercial retail and office center on a 2.25-acre tract of land in the Jas Lovelady Survey, Abstract Number ABS A0538, Tract 14 situated in the City of Lucas, Collin County, Texas, located at 995 West Lucas Road. (Development Services Director Joe Hilbourn)
7. Consider approving Ordinance 2023-06-00983 amending the City of Lucas Code of Ordinances, Chapter 3 titled “Building Regulations”, Article 3.08 titled “Residential Code” by adding Section 3.08.004 titled “Construction Site Drainage”. (Development Services Director Joe Hilbourn)
8. Provide an update and discuss the status of the drainage policy for effectively managing the stormwater system and provide direction to the City Manager. (Public Works Director Scott Holden, Contract Engineer Joe Grajewski)
9. Consider authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Texas Materials Group, Inc., TexasBit, for the rehabilitation of Snider Lane in an amount not to exceed $459,516 and rehabilitation of Long Road and Bloom Street in an amount not to exceed $25,444, for a total of $484,960 from Account 11-8209-301 Improvement Roads (Street Maintenance). (Public Works Director Scott Holden, CIP Manager Patrick Hubbard)
10. Consider approving Resolution R 2023-06-00541 authorizing an application for new playground equipment at Forest Creek Park to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Local Park Grant Program. (Assistant City Manager Kent Souriyasak, CIP Manager Patrick Hubbard)
11. Consider approving Resolution R 2023-06-00542 authorizing an application for a proposed northern trail project to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Recreational Trails Grant Program. (Assistant City Manager Kent Souriyasak, CIP Manager Patrick Hubbard)
12. Consider the appointment of Mayor Pro Tem to serve for a one-year period beginning June 1, 2023 and ending May 31, 2024. (City Secretary Erin Flores)
13. Discuss updating the City of Lucas Code of Ordinances, Chapter 14 titled “Zoning” and provide guidance to the Planning and Zoning Commission. (Mayor Jim Olk)
14. Update on the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) Board of Directors meeting held on May 25, 2023, as it relates to Premium charged to Customer Cities. (City Councilmember Debbie Fisher, City Manager Joni Clarke)
15. Consider the 88th Legislative Session and discuss any proposed bill or significant resolution that may have an impact on the City of Lucas and provide guidance to the City Attorney and City Manager. (City Council, City Manager Joni Clarke, City Attorney Joe Gorfida)
16. Discuss FM 1378 Draft Design Schematic dated April 2023 and consider modifications to the City of Lucas Thoroughfare Plan. (City Council)
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