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Call to Order
Executive Session
4. Items of Community Interest.
5. Consent Agenda
6. Conduct a Public Hearing and consider the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024: A. Presentation by Finance Director Liz Exum. B. Conduct a Public Hearing. C. Set the date for adopting an ordinance approving the City of Lucas Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 on September 7, 2023. (Presenter: Finance Director Liz Exum)
7.A. Discuss tax rate and take record vote for publication in the Allen American Newspaper.
7.B. Schedule a Public Hearing for the tax rate if the proposed tax rate exceeds the lower of the “No-New-Revenue” or “Voter-Approval” rate on September 7, 2023. (Presenter: Finance Director Liz Exum)
8. Consider amending the Development Agreement between the City of Lucas and Goose Real Estate, Inc. regarding roadway improvements at Ford Lane and Welborn Lane. (Presenter: Development Services Director Joe Hilbourn)
3. Citizen Input
9. Discuss billing options for services and responses rendered by the Lucas Fire-Rescue Department and provide direction to the City Manager. (Presenter: Fire Chief Ted Stephens)
10. Discuss candidates to interview for the Alternate Member 2 vacant position on the Parks and Open Space Board. (City Council)
Aug 17, 2023 City Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Call to Order
Executive Session
4. Items of Community Interest.
5. Consent Agenda
6. Conduct a Public Hearing and consider the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024: A. Presentation by Finance Director Liz Exum. B. Conduct a Public Hearing. C. Set the date for adopting an ordinance approving the City of Lucas Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 on September 7, 2023. (Presenter: Finance Director Liz Exum)
7.A. Discuss tax rate and take record vote for publication in the Allen American Newspaper.
7.B. Schedule a Public Hearing for the tax rate if the proposed tax rate exceeds the lower of the “No-New-Revenue” or “Voter-Approval” rate on September 7, 2023. (Presenter: Finance Director Liz Exum)
8. Consider amending the Development Agreement between the City of Lucas and Goose Real Estate, Inc. regarding roadway improvements at Ford Lane and Welborn Lane. (Presenter: Development Services Director Joe Hilbourn)
3. Citizen Input
9. Discuss billing options for services and responses rendered by the Lucas Fire-Rescue Department and provide direction to the City Manager. (Presenter: Fire Chief Ted Stephens)
10. Discuss candidates to interview for the Alternate Member 2 vacant position on the Parks and Open Space Board. (City Council)
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