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Call to Order
2. Conduct a public hearing and consider the request by Conrad Feagin for a variance from the City of Lucas Code of Ordinances to allow a fence over eight feet tall around a sports court in the backyard located at 1055 Country Club, EDWARDS ADDITION, BLK A, LOT 1 being all of a 3.934-acre tract of land. (Presenter: Development Services Director Joe Hilbourn)
3. Consider the appointment of a Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board of Adjustment to serve for a period of one (1) year with a term ending on December 31, 2025. (Board of Adjustment)
4. Consider approval of the minutes of the October 25, 2023, Board of Adjustment meeting. (City Secretary Toshia Kimball)
Dec 18, 2024 Board of Adjustment
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Call to Order
2. Conduct a public hearing and consider the request by Conrad Feagin for a variance from the City of Lucas Code of Ordinances to allow a fence over eight feet tall around a sports court in the backyard located at 1055 Country Club, EDWARDS ADDITION, BLK A, LOT 1 being all of a 3.934-acre tract of land. (Presenter: Development Services Director Joe Hilbourn)
3. Consider the appointment of a Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board of Adjustment to serve for a period of one (1) year with a term ending on December 31, 2025. (Board of Adjustment)
4. Consider approval of the minutes of the October 25, 2023, Board of Adjustment meeting. (City Secretary Toshia Kimball)
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