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Call to Order
2. Provide training for the Board of Adjustment members and refresher for the existing members.
1. Provide training for the Building and Standards Commission members and refresher for the existing members.
Call to Order
2. Conduct a public hearing and consider the request by Tim Bonner for a variance from the City of Lucas Code of Ordinances to allow a reduction in the required front yard setback from 75’ from the centerline of the road to 49’, a reduction in the side yard backs from 20’ to 10’, and a reduction in the rear yard setback from 50’ to 10’. for a parcel of land located in ABS A0506 JOHN W KERBY SURVEY, TRACT 51, being all of a 2.098-acre tract of land, otherwise known as 815 Blondy Jhune, Lucas, Texas.
3. Consider approval of the minutes of the December 18, 2024, Board of Adjustment meeting. (City Secretary Toshia Kimball)
Jan 22, 2025 Board of Adjustment and Building and Standards Commission Joint Meeting
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Full agenda
Call to Order
2. Provide training for the Board of Adjustment members and refresher for the existing members.
1. Provide training for the Building and Standards Commission members and refresher for the existing members.
Call to Order
2. Conduct a public hearing and consider the request by Tim Bonner for a variance from the City of Lucas Code of Ordinances to allow a reduction in the required front yard setback from 75’ from the centerline of the road to 49’, a reduction in the side yard backs from 20’ to 10’, and a reduction in the rear yard setback from 50’ to 10’. for a parcel of land located in ABS A0506 JOHN W KERBY SURVEY, TRACT 51, being all of a 2.098-acre tract of land, otherwise known as 815 Blondy Jhune, Lucas, Texas.
3. Consider approval of the minutes of the December 18, 2024, Board of Adjustment meeting. (City Secretary Toshia Kimball)
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