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Call to Order
2. Items of Community Interest.
3. Consent Agenda
4. Discuss Chapter 3 of the city’s code of ordinances. (Development Services Director Joe Hilbourn)
5. Discuss and take possible action to approve an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Lucas and the City of Parker mutually agreeing on certain jurisdictional boundaries. (City Manager John Whitsell)
6. Discuss and take possible action to approve Resolution R 2025-03-00566 authorizing the submittal of one or more applications for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funds to the Texas Division of Emergency Management under DR-4781 and DR-4798 and committing matching funds in the amount of 25%. (City Manager John Whitsell)
Mar 20, 2025 City Council
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Call to Order
2. Items of Community Interest.
3. Consent Agenda
4. Discuss Chapter 3 of the city’s code of ordinances. (Development Services Director Joe Hilbourn)
5. Discuss and take possible action to approve an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Lucas and the City of Parker mutually agreeing on certain jurisdictional boundaries. (City Manager John Whitsell)
6. Discuss and take possible action to approve Resolution R 2025-03-00566 authorizing the submittal of one or more applications for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funds to the Texas Division of Emergency Management under DR-4781 and DR-4798 and committing matching funds in the amount of 25%. (City Manager John Whitsell)
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